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Attn Bill Pay Users:
Due to the rising costs associated with processing returned payments, Exchange Bank will begin charging a $10 fee for each returned payment.
Below are some tips that may help prevent returned payments:
  • Ensure that payee remittance data is correct in Bill Pay. This information should be verified regularly as it has a potential to change at any time. Payees may be edited by going to Bill Pay>Manage Payments.
  • We encourage you to pay the exact amount due to ensure that a credit balance does not get returned.
  • When available, Bill Pay users should include invoice numbers with payments.
Bill Pay continues to be a free service, fees will only be assessed for returned payments.
Thank you in advance for your understanding. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.


Exchange Bank & Trust

What Do Our Neighbors Think?

I didn't realize you had a facebook page. I love it!! I have had an account with you since the '70s. You all are wonderful!!

Susan from Virginia  
